Diversify Photo is a global community and our actions impact one another. We expect all of our members to conduct themselves respectfully and professionally at all times — with colleagues, clients, and with those they photograph.
These are our community values:
Foster community over competition
Be generous. Routinely credit others and share your knowledge and connections.
Uplift ourselves, uplift one another
Leverage your sphere of influence to advocate for your colleagues — especially those with less power or influence.
Act with respect, kindness, and dignity
Let respect guide your interactions with colleagues, clients, and those you photograph. Diversify has a zero-tolerance policy toward harassment in any form.
Proceed with honesty, transparency, and integrity
Membership in Diversify Photo means that we vouch for you. Always deliver on your professional promises to the best of your abilities. If problems emerge, communicate openly and honestly with your clients and offer solutions.
Membership in Diversify Photo is free and may be revoked at any time if our community values are violated.